
If you see a cockroach at home or at work, you should always react immediately. They are rarely alone, and if they are, they quickly attract many more!

We can help you get rid of cockroaches.
Every weekday: 08:00 - 16:00.

Species of cockroaches

Denmark´s fauna is rich in insects; both domestic species as well as more exotic ones. Here, you can read more about the species of cockroach that are normally found in Denmark. The sections are listed in order of how frequently they occur.

The four most common species are described below and instructions are given on what to do if you run into these insects. Sections on dissemination, living conditions and reproductive methods are also included in this presentation, as this is important if you want to prevent the spread of cockroaches.

Our process

We always carry out pest control discreetly and professionally.

Our specialists are ready to help you if you spot cockroaches. Write or call us, and we will assist you with professional pest control.

Treatment against cockroaches is carried out in 3 stages with 2-3 weeks interval. The treatment involves the application of bait at strategic locations in the home where we know cockroaches are present. The bait will have a significantly better and faster effect if there is no other food source available to them than the bait we apply.

The bait is very effective and specific to the control of cockroaches. We use several different types to avoid resistance, but the primary bait is called Maxforce Platinum, which is applied in small doses in non-accessible areas, i.e. not harmful to humans and animals. In addition, a strategy is developed for the application so that the control can be closely monitored, therefore it is important to vacuum or sweep up dead cockroaches between treatments.

We will also set up sticky traps to detect the extent of the cockroach problem you have. They will be installed during the first treatment and monitored and replaced regularly. When we finish the treatment at your place, you should keep an eye on the sticky traps yourself.

Treatment for cockroaches costs DKK 1500 + VAT (DKK 1875) per visit. Effective treatment always requires a minimum of 3 visits.

Fast, discreet, and effective service.

When it comes to pest control, we are ready to respond quickly and effectively to both private and commercial customers. Therefore, we have service personnel who handle all inquiries every day of the week from 08:00 to 16:00.

You are always welcome to contact us without obligation, so that we can assess the problem together and solve it in the best possible way.


Få skadedyr er så irriterende og svære at få has på som væggelus – her kan du læse mere om både væggelus og væggelus bekæmpelse. Kontakt os omgående hvis du har brug for hjælp til fjernelse.

Vi hjælper dig af med væggelus. Alle hverdage: 07:00 - 23:00.

5 quick facts about a cockroach

Cockroaches eat any type of food.

All cockroaches have wings they can extend. A few species, like the Asian cockroach and the brown cockroach, can use their wings to fly. The domestic species can only spread their wings and glide through the air.

There is no actual Danish cockroach as such, but species such as the invasive German cockroach, Oriental cockroach, lesser cockroach and forest cockroach are now considered ‘Danish’ species.

Houses, flats, restaurants, hotels and many other types of building can become infested with cockroaches. The cockroaches move from property to property carried on luggage, transported with food and via piping in older premises.

Cockroaches are not actually dangerous as a species. Their relatively soft mouth parts cannot bite through human skin. However, cockroaches can carry and spread diseases such as salmonella, dysentery and typhoid fever. Furthermore, their droppings have an unpleasant smell when they occur in quantities.

Quick response when you need help.

At Absolut Skadedyrsservice, we are aware of what customers – both private and commercial – need quickly in the process when it comes to pest control. Therefore, we also have a quick response time for our interventions.

In case of suddenly occurring pest problems, we provide fast pest control. This is agreed individually and primarily applies to food companies.

Getting rid of cockroaches

If you need to get rid of a cockroach infestation, the most important thing is to make their living conditions intolerable. Cockroaches need water, heat, vegetable matter, and cracks and small hollow spaces in which to hide. So by removing these, you´ll get rid of them. Eliminate what they need to survive. We´ll explain the methods you can use to do this later on in this presentation.

Hvilken skade kan en kakerlak gøre?

En kakerlak er ikke direkte skadelig for mennesker, men de kan være bærere af bakterier og sygdomme. Smitterisikoen er særligt høj i hjem med ældre mennesker, børn eller personer, der allerede er svækket af sygdom.

En kakerlak kan bære på følgende sygdomme:

  • Salmonella
  • Dysenteri
  • Mave-tarmkatar
  • Tyfus


Kakerlakker er en sand plage, når det kommer til fødevarer. De efterlader deres ekskrementer overalt, og det er herigennem at de kan smitte, hvis de bærer på sygdomme eller bakterier. De har derfor ry for at være slemme til at forurene fødevarer meget hurtigt.

Det er vigtigt, at du opbevarer dine madvarer forsvarligt indpakkede, så kakerlakken ikke kan komme til.

Det er oftest ældre ejendomme der plages af kakerlakker. En kakerlak har nemlig sværere ved at komme ind i nyere huse, grundet det nye bygningsreglement samt at der ikke er lige så mange revner og sprækker at finde i forbindelse med rørføring.

The German cockroach

The German cockroach is the most common domestic species.

It is a yellowish-brown and has two dark stripes on its pronotum. It grows to a length of between 12 – 15 mm and its well-developed elytra (forewings) cover the entire hind part of their abdomen. Beneath their elytra, are the cockroach´s posterior wings that are fully functional, although it does not use them. The German cockroach prefers to run or climb.

After mating, the female lays her eggs in special brown egg capsules, and each capsule contains 30-40 nymphs. Most cockroaches lose the egg capsule following oviposition (egg-laying), but not the German cockroach. The female carries the egg capsule right up until the small wingless nymphs are ready to swarm out.

The German cockroach prefers heated rooms, at temperatures of between 25-33 degrees, and also needs moisture which it finds in kitchens or wet rooms.

The brown-banded cockroach

The brown-banded cockroach is said to originate from Africa, but over the years it has spread to all tropical and subtropical areas. In the 1970s, we also had some of them in Denmark, but it is not nearly as widespread as the German cockroach.

The brown-banded cockroach thrives in temperatures below 25 to 30° and, unlike other cockroaches, it can make do with fairly dry environments, such as the living room or the bedroom where you will normally find it behind furniture or between cracks in skirting boards.

The egg capsules of the brown-banded cockroach contain 10 to 20 eggs which it lays in cracks and crevices. A female can lay anywhere between five and 20 capsules during its lifetime. At about 20°, it takes a couple of months before the nymphs leave the capsules. The fastest development happens at 24 to 30°. At these temperatures, they take about six weeks to develop.

The American cockroach

As the name suggests, this type of cockroach is very common in America. From time to time, it is imported with goods from overseas countries. The American cockroach thrives in an environment with high humidity and in very hot environments.

Should you run into the American cockroach in Denmark, you won´t be able to mistake it for anything else, as it is pretty big. A fully-grown cockroach is between 2.8 and 4.4 cm in length. The American cockroach is the largest species of cockroaches that are found in Denmark.

The German cockroach is reddish-brown in colour and shiny. Its body is flat with long antennas. It lives indoors in kitchens, cellars, outlets, lengths of pipe and so on.

It is active during the night, and during the day, hides in cracks and crevices, usually in the vicinity of sources of heat such as pipes, motors and other electronic appliances.

Oriental cockroach

This dark species is not a typical sight in Denmark, but if you run into it you will find that it is much larger than the Nordic members of the same species. What´s more, it is less agile and moves much more slowly. One characteristic of this type of cockroach is that its elytra only cover about ¾ of the hind part of its abdomen.

It is perhaps surprising that it is not seen more commonly in these latitudes as it thrives better here than both the German and the brown-banded cockroach. Its optimum temperature is about 20° to 25° and the optimum environment is humid and dark – as with other species, the Oriental cockroach is also active during the night.

The Oriental cockroach can grow to lengths of between 25-30 mm, and is thus quite a bit larger than the domestic species. A cycle of oviposition consists of the female carrying eggs that are located in a capsule that is fastened to the hind part of its abdomen for a few days. After this, the capsule is dropped and after about 60 days, they hatch. The nymphs go through several stages during a period of up to 9 months until they reach their fully-grown stage.

Sådan lever kakerlakker

Kakerlakker lever, hvor der er mørkt, og foretrækker at det miljø, hvor de opholder sig, er let fugtigt. Dermed er kældre, udhuse og badeværelser gode steder, hvor kakerlakker kan leve og formere sig og blive til flere kakerlakker. Forkærligheden for fugt er ikke ensbetydende med, at kakerlakker ikke søger mod steder, hvor der er tørt.
Vi hjælper dig af med kakerlakker.
Alle hverdage: 07:00 - 23:00.

Cockroaches lurk behind refrigerators!

Cockroaches live where it is dark, and they prefer a humid environment. This is why cellars, outbuildings and bathrooms are good places for cockroaches to live, mate and produce even more cockroaches. However, this does not mean that cockroaches will not seek out drier environments.

Cockroaches can wander far and wide through a property, and they have no trouble migrating at night. This allows them to find new places to live that may provide more nourishment than where they came from. Scent trails and pheromones summon other cockroaches, and this is normally done through secretion in their droppings. In this way, they follow each other’s trails, establishing themselves in new areas should they prove to be a lucrative source of food.

Cockroaches breed by laying eggs. It takes anywhere from 2 to 6 months for cockroaches to develop into adults, depending on whether the environment they are in is warm or cold. The optimum temperature for cockroaches is about 25 degrees, but they seek cool, dark places to hide away in during the daytime. Cockroaches come out at night, when they become active, search for food and breed.

If you want to get rid of cockroaches, here is some good advice.

If your pest control against cockroaches is sloppy, they´ll suss it out. Sloppy pest control often means that cockroaches simply become resistant to the insecticide used against them. If the insecticide is not distributed properly, many of them will survive the first attack and survive to go on reproducing. It will be the same with the next generation and the next – by which time they will have become immune to the insecticide.

When tackling cockroach infestations, you need to be careful about where you distribute the insecticides and pinpoint the exact locations cockroaches frequent. You can be sure they won´t be anywhere near where you have sprayed or left your insecticides. To avoid this, you need to distribute the poison in carefully-selected locations, so you kill the entire generation of cockroaches and prevent any surviving cockroaches from developing resistance. Should a few survive, they will find it hard to establish themselves again, and the remaining few will be easy to get rid of.

Contact Absolut Skadedyrsservice

At Absolut Skadedyrsservice, we are the professionals when it comes to pest control – we eradicate any type of cockroach and many other insects.

Our products are approved by The Danish Environmental Protection Agency and are odourless, so you can already go back into your house just 10 minutes after the treatment has been done.

Every weekday: 08:00 - 16:00.

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