
Wordworm is also known as the common furniture beetle or common house borer.

The wood-boring beetle family includes many varieties and their larvae can be difficult to distinguish from each other. They are all pale and curved, with very small legs. The adult common furniture beetle is brownish, its body shape is oblong and almost cylindrical, and its prothorax is often arched, often almost concealing the head.

Weekdays: 07:00 - 23:00.

Vores proces

Vi udfører altid skadedyrsbekæmpelse diskret og professionelt.

Vores specialister er klar til at hjælpe dig, hvis du observerer borebiller. Skriv eller ring til os, og vi vil hjælpe dig med professionel skadedyrsbekæmpelse.

Det er vigtigt at området omkring alt det angrebne træ ryddes, det vil sige skidt, støv og isolering der kan dække det angrebet området skal fjernes/rengøres

Der skal være adgang via lem eller dør så teknikeren nemt og sikkert kan komme ind og behandle det angrebne område.

Vi behandler de angrebne områder af 2 omgange mod kernetræet med ca. 24 timers mellemrum.

Ved angreb i tagkonstruktioner skal hele konstruktionen behandles, da man ikke umiddelbart kan se eller måle, hvor meget borebillerne har spredt sig, plet behandlingen vil typisk give borebillerne mulighed for at overleve og nye angreb vil kunne finde sted de steder der ikke behandles.

Behandling af borebiller udregnes efter m2 – fra flademål. Eks. Loftsrum 100 m2 – koster i alt kr. 18.000,- + moms (kr. 22.500,-) Effektiv behandling sker via 2 behandlinger.

Hurtig, diskret og effektiv service

Når det drejer sig om skadedyrsbekæmpelse er vi klar til at rykke ud til både private og erhverv hurtigt og effektivt. Derfor har vi servicefolk der håndterer alle henvendelser alle ugens dage fra kl. 07:00 – 23:00.

Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte os uforpligtende, så vi sammen kan vurdere problemet og få det løst bedst muligt.

Short about woodworms

The adult common furniture beetle primarily appears during the summer, when it gnaws through any wood it meets, producing round holes. You can see it on the wood as a dusty covering. The adult common furniture beetle only lives for 2 weeks, but it can fly, which is why it is often mistaken for a small fly. After hatching, the beetle mates and the female can then lay up to 50 eggs.

5 quick questions about common furniture beetles

The common furniture beetle is 2.5 to 4.5 mm in length. The common furniture beetle larvae can reach lengths of to 5 mm.


Frost kills a number of pests, including the common furniture beetle and its larvae. If you find them in furniture, these can be treated with remedies from your local DIY store, or you can stand the furniture outside in freezing temperatures. If you find them in buildings that are just being constructed, you will need to bring in professionals to take care of the problem.

Petroleum is highly flammable, especially after it has been applied to the wood. The evaporation process makes it extremely flammable and it ignites very easily. For these reasons alone, we do not recommend that you use this method.

A normal household insurance policy does not cover common furniture beetle infestations.

An infestation of common furniture beetles is not uncommon. It is larvae of the common furniture beetle that gnaw and eat the wood dust. They then pupate and grow into adult beetles that can breed.


Quick response when you need help

At Absolut Skadedyrsservice, we understand the importance of a quick response for our customers, both private individuals and businesses, when it comes to pest control. That’s why we prioritize fast response times for our services.

In case of sudden pest problems, we provide prompt pest control services. The specifics of the response are individually arranged and primarily cater to food-related businesses.

Eggs from common furniture beetles are often laid in cracks, flooring planks or in the rafters, but never on smooth surfaces. They are often laid in their old holes and after about 4 weeks, the eggs hatch and the small larvae then begin to gnaw their way into the wood.

Gulvbrædder hårdt angrebet af borebiller
Floorboards attacked by common furniture beetles
Bjælke fra tagkonstruktion
Roof beam

Contact Absolut Skadedyrsservice

Absolut Skadedyrsservice has professional expertise and experience in combating all pests.

Our products are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency and odorless, so you can safely re-enter your home just 10 minutes after treatment.

Weekdays: 07:00 - 23:00.

Facts about Wood-boring beetles
