Skin beetles

The Danish word for skin beetles, “klanner”, is derived from an old Nordic word which means damage or harm. This is particularly appropriate, as skin beetles often find themselves in conflict with humans.

We help you get rid of Skin beetles.
All weekdays: 08:00 - 16:00.

Skin beetles

Skin beetles are part of the beetle family, and they mostly feed on dry plant- or animal remains. Some skin beetles feed on cartilage and dried meet scraps, others on hair and feathers. You might say they are nature’s “garbage collectors”, as they are the ones who remove the remains of an animal when it dies. It could be a dead mouse or a rat underneath flooring, or perhaps a dead bird in the attic.

Vores proces

Vi udfører altid skadedyrsbekæmpelse diskret og professionelt.

Vores specialister er klar til at hjælpe dig, hvis du observerer Klannere. Skriv eller ring til os, og vi vil hjælpe dig med professionel skadedyrsbekæmpelse.

Der skal behandles langs gulvpanelerne, derfor skal du, så vidt det er muligt, sørge for, at gulvpanelerne er frit tilgængelige. Hvis det er muligt, skal møbler, der står op ad væggene flyttes ca. 50 cm ud herfra.

Du skal støvsuge grundigt i hele boligen specielt langs gulvpanelerne umiddelbart inden hver behandling. På dagene imellem behandlingerne skal man undgå at støvsuge helt ud til gulvpanelerne.

Du skal tømme dine køkkenskabe – og skuffer helt for både madvarer og køkkengrej inden vi kommer. (Tingene kan fx placeres på køkkenbordet eller spisebordet og kan sættes retur i skabene efter behandlingen)

Inficerede madvarer kasseres eller fryses ved -18 grader i minimum 72 timer.

Alle rørgennemføringer, teknikskabe o.lign. skal være tilgængelige.

Behandling af klannere koster kr. 1500,- + moms (kr. 1.875,-) pr. besøg. Effektiv behandling kræver altid minimum 3 behandlinger.

Hurtig, diskret og effektiv service

Når det drejer sig om skadedyrsbekæmpelse er vi klar til at rykke ud til både private og erhverv hurtigt og effektivt. Derfor har vi servicefolk der håndterer alle henvendelser alle ugens dage fra kl. 07:00 – 23:00.

Du er altid velkommen til at kontakte os uforpligtende, så vi sammen kan vurdere problemet og få det løst bedst muligt.

5 quick questions about skin beetles

Thorough cleaning followed by treatment with insecticides is necessary in order to kill the larvae and the adult skin beetles.

Often, if you find beetles inside on a windowsill, you should check out the rest of the house to see if they have taken up residence in your house. They look like beetles and the umbrella term for this kind is skin beetle or dermistidae.

Many people refer to skin beetles as merely beetles. Dermistidae is an umbrella term for the family coleoptera, which covers hundreds of beetles. The most common ones in Denmark are dermestes haemorrhoidalis (in Danish, referred to as a “house skin beetle”), carpet beetles, larder beetles, varied carpet beetles and khapra beetles.

In nature, skin beetles usually feed off feathers and other leftovers from bird’s nests. Indoors, skin beetles live off food leftovers. Often, if you find skin beetles in larger numbers, it may be because there is a dead animal such as a mouse or a rat under the floor or in the attic.

Skin beetles mostly live in bird’s nests, but they can also be found indoors. They are skilled at flying.

Quick response when you need help.

At Absolut Skadedyrsservice, we understand the importance of a quick response for our customers, both private individuals and businesses, when it comes to pest control. That’s why we prioritize fast response times for our services.

In case of sudden pest problems, we provide prompt pest control services. The specifics of the response are individually arranged and primarily cater to food-related businesses.

About Skin beetles

In Denmark, the ones you will meet most frequently are larder beetles (Dermestes lardarius), dermestes haemorrhoidalis and carpet beetles (Attagenus pellio).

Skin beetles can appear in huge swarms around your house. They are good fliers and can come in from outside, either from a nearby bird’s nests or carrion. In the house, you can find them anywhere. As previously mentioned, they feed on dead organic material such as decayed matter, feathers, hair or certain types of textiles and paper. The larvae do the most damage. With larger infestations, you should check your attic for bird’s nests or dead animals.

The adult beetles are 7-9 mm in length, brownish-black and easily recognisable by their light brown band with six dots going across the front half of their backs.

The larvae can be up to 15 mm in length and they are brown on to and light underneath, clearly jointed with long bristles emerging from each joint. If you experience a larder beetle infestation, it is almost always caused by a pigeon’s nest in the attic or a dead mouse under the floor.

A skin beetle in the garden or in standard houses is not a rare sight anymore. Earlier, skin beetles were rare in Danish single-family houses. Today, you´ll find them underneath every bucket or bag or in every crack around the house. A skin beetle is very placid. The reason why they are considered a pest is because they search for leftover foods. And once you really start looking, it´s never a case of just one. Although they live on their own, once you find one, there is a pretty good chance that there are more skin beetles nearby. Many quite rightly call the skin beetle just a regular beetle. A skin beetle has 3 pairs of legs and wings.

A skin beetle moves quite fast. Insects like a skin beetle have six legs to give them speed. It is quite common to see flocks of starlings settle down, and then fill their beaks with skin beetles again and again. Skin beetles are considered a pest because they live so close to us.

A skin beetle can fly inside through an open window. When a skin beetle lands, it will begin searching for food right away. Whether a skin beetle can search for food when airborne is not known, but we do know that it will definitely begin searching once it lands. In some ways, it is hard to consider the skin beetle a pest because it only makes a nuisance of itself if finds things like unwrapped foods.

Skin beetles can gnaw their way through light packaging. This means that you can simply keep skin beetles out of your house by keeping it clean. This way, there will not be anything for the skin beetle to find.

Ask the professionals – pest control is our business

We use only approved insecticides. You can call us at any time of the day for our assistance in getting rid of skin beetles. We have been providing professional skin beetle control since 1985.

Absolut-Skadedyr now has 12 employees, who specialise in eradicating larvae as well as adult insects.

We look forward to hearing from you, so give us a call. “You won´t have to worry about storing the dog food in the shed” any more once we´ve cleaned out the skin beetles.

Contact Absolut Skadedyrsservice

If you have problems with skin beetles, give us a call to learn about skin beetle prevention and how to get rid of them. If you find them to be a real nuisance and want them removed, contact us for a quote – one skin beetle never comes alone.

Weekdays: 08:00 - 16:00.

Facts about skin beetles
