Long-tailed silverfish

In Norway, they have been plagued by the small insect known as the long-tailed silverfish for years.

We help you get rid of long-tailed silverfish.
All weekdays: 08:00 - 16:00.

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Control of long-tailed silverfish in Denmark

In Norway, they have been plagued by the small insect known as the long-tailed silverfish for years.

In just a few years, the problem has spread rapidly, and there are very few Norwegians who are not familiar with this pest today, as it has turned into a plague.

Now, the long-tailed silverfish has arrived in Denmark as well and, like in Norway, it has spread alarmingly fast and has already turned into a plague, which provides the pest controllers tasked with removing them with plenty of work.

5 quick questions on long-tailed silverfish

Long-tailed silverfish are part of the silver fish species. This wingless insect was discovered in Europe for the first time in 1914. From there, it has spread to all other countries within the EU. The first time it was registered in Denmark was in 2016. Eggs from the long-tailed silverfish hatch after about 2 months, and the young are also able to reproduce after about 2 months.

The long-tailed silverfish is aprox.12mm in length. It can, however, grow to a length of 18 mm. It has 3 thread-like tails and dense hair on its head. It is dark in colour and has 3 rows of bristly clumps on each side of the rear part of its abdomen.

The long-tailed silverfish was registered in Denmark for the first time in 2016, when it migrated from Norway.

Long-tailed silverfish eat any type of food including organic material as long as it is dry and contains starch, such as paper, wallpaper and books, but also cotton and silk.


The most effective method is to reduce the humidity considerably inside. After that, frequent and thorough cleaning is required over a longer period of time. For best results, do this in combination with professional control, where they lay out a gel that contains insecticide.

Quick response when you need help

At Absolut Skadedyrsservice, we understand the importance of a quick response for our customers, both private individuals and businesses, when it comes to pest control. That’s why we prioritize fast response times for our services.

In case of sudden pest problems, we provide prompt pest control services. The specifics of the response are individually arranged and primarily cater to food-related businesses.

Biology and damage

Long-tailed silverfish are related to the silverfish that can sometimes be spotted in the bathroom or other places in your home where it is humid.

But long-tailed silverfish are more unpleasant to have in your home than silverfish.

One of the reasons is that long-tailed silverfish – unlike silverfish – spread to your entire home, and it is not unusual to find them in your laundry basket, behind bookcases, in kitchen drawers, cupboards or even in your bed.

In other words, there are no places where the long-tailed silverfish will not venture.


Long-tailed silverfish vs. silverfish

While silverfish can grow up to 1cm in length, the long-tailed silverfish can grow twice as long – up to 2 cm.

The long-tailed silverfish has long antennae and thread-like tails as long as its body.

They do not really do any damage, but unlike silverfish, they spread to your entire home and reproduce quite quickly, and are hard to get rid of once they have settled in.

A long-tailed silverfish can live for up to 7 years, during which time it can lay up to 150 eggs.

During its lifetime, the long-tailed silverfish goes through various stages and, in the beginning, can be quite small and is, therefore, easily mistaken for silverfish.

This is one of the reasons why it sometimes takes awhile to discover that you have long-tailed silverfish in your home, and not merely silverfish.

Long-tailed silverfish control

Long-tailed silverfish are photophobic and are, therefore, active at night-time, which is one of the reasons why you won´t notice them before they actually become a problem.

Thus, it is important that you react as soon as you discover long-tailed silverfish in your home.

Prompt pest control makes it easier to get rid of the unwanted pests quickly, and the best way to do this is to call a professional pest controller.

To eradicate long-tailed silverfish effectively, first you need to localise where the insects live.

You can do this by placing insect traps around your home, in order to discover where the biggest problem lies.

At the same time, it´s a good idea to spray insecticides along all the cracks and crevices in your home, since this is often where the small insects hide.

We recommend that you let the pest controller spray the insecticides to ensure it is handled correctly.

Good advice for long-tailed silverfish

Some good advice for avoiding long-tailed silverfish in your home is to watch what you buy and bring into your house.

  • Clothes you took on holiday should be washed in a washing machine
  • Groceries and any packages you receive should be checked before you bring them into your house.

Once you have long-tailed silverfish in your home, it can be hard to get rid of them.

You can try insect traps and vacuuming, but it doesn´t always work.
Another good idea is to eliminate the pests’ hiding places.

It is, for example, a good idea to spray joints underneath floor panels, as they often hide here.

One last piece of advice that is unfortunately not always easy to follow, is to keep your home dry and cool. The long-tailed silverfish thrives best at 17-30 degrees Celsius, a humidity level of between 55 and 80% RF.

The most effective thing you can do, however, is to let a professional pest control service carry out the treatment.

We can help with long-tailed silverfish control

Do you need long-tailed silverfish control? Call us at 44 84 43 47 and get rid of this pest once and for all.

Absolut Skadeddyrsservice has many years of experience in pest control.
Thanks to the good relationship we have with our neighbours in Norway, we have acquired extensive knowledge about the long-tailed silverfish and the best and most effective way to eradicate them.

Numerous treatments may be required, as long-tailed silverfish are not easy to eradicate. Therefore, we recommend that you do not settle for just one single treatment – unless you merely want your problem reduced and not solved!

We help you get rid of long-tailed silverfish.
All weekdays: 08:00 - 16:00.

Contact Absolut Skadedyrsservice

It is important that you react right away, as soon as you discover long-tailed silverfish in your home or on your business’s property. A fast treatment can make all the difference, and will make it easier to get rid of them.

You can call us by phone at any time of the day to ask about our long-tailed silverfish eradication services.

Call us today and get rid of your pests.

We keep homes and businesses free of long-tailed silverfish in Herlev and the surrounding areas, and we can help you, too. – We provide our services all across the country.

Weekdays: 08:00 - 16:00.

Facts about long-tailed silverfish
